Spread some Midgies Love

Hey, thank you for checking out the Midgies website. We hope you enjoyed watching the trailer, and reading a bit more about the project.

We’re a small team, based in Scotland, working hard to bring Midgies to the big screen. In order to do this, we need your help.

Supporting the project couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is share the link – midgiesmovie.com – on social media, as widely as possible. Tell your friends about it. Share it with your family. Print it on business cards and hand them out to strangers. Get a tattoo. The only limit is your imagination. And, for the tattoo option, your pain threshold.

The wider we share the trailer, the better chance we have of being able to fund and shoot the film the way we want to – right here in Scotland.

Thanks for your help.

The Midgies Team

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Where it all Began

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